Caring for your pool when you're not using it

With the arrival of autumn, temperatures begin to drop and many people stop using the pool. However, even when it's not in use, it's important to keep the pool clean and in good condition to avoid future problems.

Here are some tips on caring for your pool when you're not using it:

Cover the pool

Covering the pool is the best way to prevent dirt, leaves, insects and animals from entering the water. This will help keep the pool clean and free of algae.

Keep the pump and filter running

Even when the pool is not in use, it is important to keep the pump and filter running to keep the water circulating and oxygenated. This will help prevent the proliferation of bacteria and algae.

Apply chlorine and algaecide

Chlorine and algaecide are essential for keeping pool water clean and healthy. Even when the pool is not in use, it is important to apply these products regularly to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and algae.

Remove rainwater

Rainwater can bring dirt and impurities into the pool. It is therefore important to remove rainwater from the pool as soon as possible.

Check the water chemical levels

The chlorine, pH and alkalinity levels of pool water should be checked regularly. Even when the pool is not in use, it is important to check these levels to ensure that the water is in good condition.

By following these tips, you can keep your pool clean and in good condition even when you're not using it. This will help extend the life of your pool and prevent future problems.

Here are some additional tips to keep your pool in good condition:

  • Clean the pool edges regularly.
  • Wash pool ladders and accessories regularly.
  • Check the pool for leaks.
  • Keep the pool clean and free of debris.

With some simple care, you can enjoy your pool for many years to come.


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